

日本庭園が米誌ランキングで「17年連続日本一」に選ばれましたAdachi Museum’s Japanese Gardens Ranked as Number One for the 17th Consecutive Year

アメリカの日本庭園専門誌『Sukiya Living Magazine: The Journal of Japanese Gardening(数寄屋リビングマガジン/ジャーナル・オブ・ジャパニーズ・ガーデニング)』が、全国の日本庭園900か所以上を対象に実施した「2019年日本庭園ランキング」が発表され、当館の日本庭園が「17年連続日本一」に選ばれました。

1位 足立美術館(島根県) 
2位 桂離宮(京都府) 
3位 皆美館(島根県)
4位 山本亭(東京都) 
5位 玉堂美術館(東京都) 




The Adachi Museum’s gardens have been ranked as number one in the “2019 Japanese Garden Ranking,” and this marks the 17th consecutive year in the number one spot. The ranking includes more than 900 places throughout Japan, including historical sites, and was compiled by Sukiya Living Magazine: The Journal of Japanese Gardening, a US magazine that focuses on Japanese gardens.

Top 5 Gardens in the 2019 Rankings
1. Adachi Museum9 of Art (Shimane)
2. Katsura Rikyu (Kyoto)
3. Minami-kan Restaurant (Shimane)
4. Yamamoto-tei (Tokyo)
5. Gyokudo Art Museum (Tokyo)

2019 Japanese Garden Ranking

The Journal of Japanese Gardening,” a bi-monthly journal, was first published in 1998, in order to introduce Japanese gardens to the world. The journal is published by Douglas Roth, who is based in the U.S. Today, it has subscribers in 37, mainly English-speaking, countries. The journal’s ranking attempts to draw people’s attention to garden aesthetics and atmosphere, rather than size or fame. To do this, experts in Japan, the U.S. and Australia investigate gardens throughout Japan, and comprehensively judge them, estimating garden quality, the balance between the garden and the building, and support for the visitor.

